Friday, 7 October 2011

Beautiful Toba Tek Singh


Toba Tek Singh emerged as separated district on the map of Punjab with effect from its July 1982 after detaching it from Faisalabad district. It derives its name from the headquarters town named Toba Tek Singh. This town was founded some times in the beginning of the colonization era. It was named after a Sikh saint. Tek Singh who maintained a pond and used to serve drinking water to the passers-by. He thus rendered a great humanitarian service throughout his life to the community around him. He carried good name through his selfless services rendered to the people and gradually the pond came to be called as Toba Tek Singh meaning thereby the pond of Tek Singh. There was a small Mandi (market) nearby this pond, which subsequently flourished and also named after this pond.



The district consists of an area of 3,259 square kilometers. It is divided into three sub-divisions and the area of each sub-division is as under:

Name of Sub Division                                         Total Area (in
Toba Tek Singh                                                        1,293
Kamalia                                                                    1,115
Gojra                                                                           851

The district comprises three municipal committees namely Toba Tek Singh, Gojra and Kamalia, a town committee Pir Meehal and 539 villages.


The area now comprising the new district of Toba Tek Singh was originally a part of Jhang District. As a result of reclamation proceeds fresh administrative problems naturally presented themselves and the boundaries of the old district had to undergo extensive modifications and new administrative units were set-up. Lyallpur (Faisalabad) Tehsil in Jhang district was set- up in 1896. Two new Tehsils also in Jhang district were set-up in 1900 with headquarters at Toba Tek Singh and Samundari. The district of Lyallpur (now called Faisalabad) was constituted during 1904 comprising Tehsil Lyallpur, Sammundri and Toba Tek Singh with a sub- Tehsil at Jaranwala. Toba Tek Singh Tehsil was raised to the status of a sub-division in 1930.


The educational facilities available are less than the requirements. The break-up is given below.

                          T.T. Singh            Kamalia                  Gojra                 Total   
Institution        Male   Female         Male Female           Male Female 

College                3             1               1           1                 1          1              8
Commercial        1             1               1           -                  1          -              4       
High School       31           26            24           6                26       17          130
Middle School   33           67            13         46                  7        30         196
Primary           243         168          295       125               18       139      1,153
Total                311         263          334       178             218       187      1,491
District Toba Tek Singh is lagging behind in industrial growth. The break up of industrial units is as under:

Sugar Mills                                                         2
Ice Factory                                                       36
Ginning Factory                                                45
Cold Storage                                                    12
Oil Expeller                                                      13
Flour Mill                                                         19
Poultry Feed                                                      6

Population Size and Growth

The total population of Toba Tek Singh district was 1,621,593 as enumerated in March 1998 with an interregnal percentage increase of 42,9 since March 1981 when it was 1,134,572 souls. The average annual growth rate was 2.1 per cent during this period. The total area of district is 3,252 square kilometer as against 349 persons observed in 1981 indicating a fast growth rate of the district.


As emerge from 1998 Census the population of district is predominantly Muslims i.e. percent. The next higher percentage is of Christians with 2.8 poinsts, followed by Ahmadis 0.1 per cent. While other minorities like Hindu (Jati). Scheduled Castes etc. are very small in number. The proportion of populations of Muslims is equal in rural and urban areas Christians are mostly living in urban areas representing 2.9 per cent as compared to 2.8 per cent in rural areas. Ahmadis are equal in proportion in urban and rural areas. The following table gives percenting of population by religion in rural and urban areas in 1998.


A person was treated as literate in 1998 Census if he could read newspaper of a journal of same standard and could write a simple letter in any language. The literacy is measured as the ration, in percentage, of literate populations to corresponding population aged 10 and over. The literacy ratio in the district has increased from 30.3 per cent in 1981, to 50.5 per cent in 1998. The literacy ratio for males is 61.3 per cent as against 39.1 per cent for females. The ratio is much higher in urban when compared with rural areas both fro male and female.

Economically Active Population

The economically active population is defined here as the persons working, most of the time during the year preceding the census date i.e. 5th March 1998, looking for work, laid off and un-paid family helpers assisting their family. The comically active population as enumerated in the last census was 22.3 per cent of the total population or 31.1 per cent of the population 10 years and over i.e. the population exposed to the risk of entering the economically active life at any time. The formal percentage is known as Crude Activity Rate (CAR) while the latter is known as Refined Activity Rate (RAR). Of the total male population 41.8 per cent were economically active, while 58.2 per cent not economically active, 28.4 per cent children under 10 years, 15.6 per cent students, 2.0 per cent domestic workers while 12.2 per cent were land lords, property owners, retired persons, disabled etc. The participation rate is much higher in urban areas as compared to people living in rural areas. Further detail can be seen in Table2.11


Unemployment rate is measured as ratio of looking for work and laid off in total economically active population comprising employed, looking for work, laid off and un-paid family helpers. Generally representing in percentage. The unemployment rate in the district was 17.3 per cent, which was mainly due to unemployment amongst male representing 17.6 small proportion in their total economically active population. The unemployment rate higher in urban as compared to rural areas representing 18.6 and 17.0 per cent respectively.

Employed Population by Occupation

In 1998 of the total employed persons, 36.5 per cent had skilled agricultural and fishery works. Same percent had elementary occupations, followed by service workers; shop and market sales workers represented 9.1 per cent, craft and related trade workers, 6.3 per cent. In rural areas people having skilled agricultural and fishery works were again in majority, followed by elementary occupations and service workers, shop and market sales workers, represented 43.0,1 35.3 and 6.7 per cent respectively. The highest percentage in urban area is of elementary occupations, followed by service workers, sshop and market sales workers having 42.0 and 19.8 per cent respectively.

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